RTI Act…
Right to Information
In pursuance of the promulgation of Right to Information Act,2005 the following been put in position. 1) Any citizen of of India seeking any information relating to Municipal Council Dalhousie can submit an application to Assistant Public Information Officer (APIO). 2) The application shall be considered for providing desired information only if accompanied by application fees of Rs. 10/- Mandatory disclosures under RTI Act 2005, have been made undeneath.
Sr.No. | Authority under the RTI Acts | Officer Desingnated | Contact No |
1 | Public Information Officer (PIO) | Public Information Officer (PIO) | 01970-222256 |
2 | Assistant Public Information Officer | Junior Engineer, Municipal Council, Jawalamukhi | 01970-222256 |
3 | Information Officer/Nodal Officer | Executive Officer Municipal Council, Jawalamukhi | 01970-222256 |
4 | Appellate Authority | SDO (CIVIL), Kangra | 01970-233102 |
- Any Indian Citizen can Obtain information including documents and record by appling to the Public Information Officer (PIO) cum Executive Officer, Municipal Council, Jawalamukhi-Kangra(HP).
- An applicant has to pay an application fee of Rs. 10/- with the application.
- The Information will be made available on payment of fee as follows:-
Description of Information | Price/Fee in Rupees |
Fee Alomng with application | Rs. 10/- per application |
Where the information is available in the form of priced publication. | On Printed Price |
For Other than printed application | Rs. 2/- per page of A4 size or Smaller and actual cost in case of page of larger size |
For other than printed publication | Rs. 2/- per page of A4 size or smaller and actual cost in case of page of larger size. |
Where information is available in electronic from and to be sppllied | Rs. 50/- per floppy and Rs. 100/- Per CD. |
Fee For Incepction of Record/Document | Rs. 10/- per 15 minutes and fraction thereof. |
- Payement is to be made by Tresuary Challan, Demand Draft or By Indian Postal Order (IPO).
- ABPL (Below Povetry Line) Persons need not pay the application fee or any additional fee.
- In case request for the information is refused of the request is not properly responded, an appeal can be filed with the Appellate Authority within 30 days . A second appeal lines with the State Information Commission within 90 days